Thursday, December 18, 2008
wahahha..TODAY"S THE BIG DAY MAN!!!...TWILIGHT'S 1ST DAY OUT OF THE MOVIES!!!...We're totally going to the movies tomorrow..the 19th of you know why the hell we're going??...hahaha..TWILIGHT'S OUT bozos!!!'s such a bummer we can't go today..hhmm...-.-"..most of my friends have something rat and satch having band...hhaaaiizzz!!...anyways...19 is's better late than never right??hahah..we went planning the for that date last 16th..hhm...i haven't seen those guys for a very darn long time..and i mean..VERY..VERY long's been like ages..satch, ash, rat, stace, sy and i were there..stace and i we're a bit late though..cause i came from giant..there..and the bus was DAMN SLOW...i waited for more than half a hour!!!...and on my way there..well..the bus is a bit's a surprise stace didn't freak out when i came late..heheh^^..then..we met at the bedok library coz we borrowed books..hehehe..very..very..naughty ones..^^..hehehe..ANYWAYS...we all met in E!hub..but stace and i were a bit we went to fish & co. express..we ate and planned there...afterwards..we didn't want to go home yet..sooo we planned to watch a movie..they we're planning to watch "Angus, Thongs and perfect snogging"..but apparently..the movie wasn't out will be out the same date as twilight..and NICK AND NORAH'S INFINITE PLAYLIST!!!..wahahha..i want to watch those!!!hhahha...maybe after i watch twilight..then i'll watch "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist"..and "Angus, Thongs and Perfect snogging"...and Bedtime'll be out on CHRISTMAS MORN!!!..hehehe..sooo anyways...on the 19..i'll be bringing my lil sis..JAE...hhaaiizz...she's the "2nd choas" of the family...haha..the 1st was jem..anyways..i'll be bringing my lil sis as i said..coz she doesn't have a babysitter..jem's going to school coz she has school duties to hold on to..and i simply just can't leave jae here in the house all by herself...sooo...DAMN..i have to bring her..but it's no hassle..i just hope she behaves herself in now..don't get me's not that bad having a younger sister..^^..i actually love her!!..well..although we can say that i always tease her and make her cry and everything..i still love that lil bastard!!..hahaha..she's just soo chaotic..and she's a fighter!!..that's what makes her soo special to me..aahahah...welp...GOOOO TWILIGHT!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I will be there..
Whenever you feel all alone..
Whenever you feel there is no reason to go on..
When there is doubt in you heart..
When there is no one in this world that you can find..
Who will give you support..
In everything you do..
And who will believe that you will see things through..
I will be there..
I'll be there..
I'll be your shoulder you can lean on..
I'll be your friend you can depend on..
I will be there..
There are times..
When things go wrong..
There were times when you just feel..
That you don't belong..
And there were days..
When things don't go right..
There were days..
When you're not willing to find..
You will need someone..
Who will tell you it's okay..
Someone who believes..
Believes in you all the way..
I am and will always be there..
Be there for you..
Whenever you feel there is no reason to go on..
When there is doubt in you heart..
When there is no one in this world that you can find..
Who will give you support..
In everything you do..
And who will believe that you will see things through..
I will be there..
I'll be there..
I'll be your shoulder you can lean on..
I'll be your friend you can depend on..
I will be there..
There are times..
When things go wrong..
There were times when you just feel..
That you don't belong..
And there were days..
When things don't go right..
There were days..
When you're not willing to find..
You will need someone..
Who will tell you it's okay..
Someone who believes..
Believes in you all the way..
I am and will always be there..
Be there for you..
Save You...
Take a breath..
I pull myself together..
Just another step..
Until I reach the door..
You'll never know the way..
It tears me up inside to see you..
I wish that I could tell you something..
To take it all away..
Sometimes I wish I could save you..
And there's so many things that i want you to know..
I won't give up til it's over..
If it takes you forever..
I want you to know..
When I hear your voice..
It drowning into whispers..
It's just skin and bones..
There's nothing left to take..
And no matter what I do..
I can't make you feel better..
If only I could find the answer..
To help me understand..
I want you to know that..
If you fall..
Stumble down..
I'll pick you up off the ground..
If you lose..
Faith in you..
I'll give you strength to pull through..
Tell me you won't give up..
Cause I'll be waiting if you fall..
You know..
I'll be there for you..
If only I could find the answer..
To take it all away..
I pull myself together..
Just another step..
Until I reach the door..
You'll never know the way..
It tears me up inside to see you..
I wish that I could tell you something..
To take it all away..
Sometimes I wish I could save you..
And there's so many things that i want you to know..
I won't give up til it's over..
If it takes you forever..
I want you to know..
When I hear your voice..
It drowning into whispers..
It's just skin and bones..
There's nothing left to take..
And no matter what I do..
I can't make you feel better..
If only I could find the answer..
To help me understand..
I want you to know that..
If you fall..
Stumble down..
I'll pick you up off the ground..
If you lose..
Faith in you..
I'll give you strength to pull through..
Tell me you won't give up..
Cause I'll be waiting if you fall..
You know..
I'll be there for you..
If only I could find the answer..
To take it all away..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
damned day..
i woke up early for nothin...hehe...axly to go to skul to meet buddie...she said she missed me n want to jam up the lost times we had last week...i was pretty exhausted last week as there was a concert held in VT...which the school organised for the indian and modern dancers with the pb ppl...last thursday..we bunked in VT as early as 8.45 am...damn exhausting!!..we helped in every ways we could...Mr. Yeo.. our cca instructor, was helping with the light design..damn was he good...the show wouldn't be gr8 without the lighting..!!hahaha^^..we went back home at pass 10.30 coz we still had 2 pack up somethins..dinner wasn't tat bad..not unlike durin luch break that we had to buy our own lunch...the 1st day of the show...which is the 2nd day bunkin in...the skul was onli allowed to watch it...the show was gr8...hehe^^..they loved it..^^..
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008
the 1st week of exams are finished....hahahahah..YEAH!!!.....the bad thing ended with a freakin day..........the 1st papers 2dae was EMATHS!!!....wwwaaahhhh...then after that...geog...DAMN MAN!!!..they're both hard.....i'm surely gonna fail...:(..hahah...but i must be positive..^^..i noe i can deal with it^^'s just that i need to focus harder on it..^^aniwaiz...we had our dance practice ion the freakin field..hahah...dun blame them axlly..i mean..they're doin the best they can to help us this ndp...n it's not for our's for the country's entertainment sake...haha..kiddin...i met alot of friends tonite..hahah....i had fun too...the onli thing that upsets me rite now is SHIM...*sigh*...i hope shim's okie..i hope shim's not mad at me...haha...^^...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
the exams
exams came last monday...we had english and mother tongue for the 1st 2 days of the week...then..just awhile ago...we had social studies and mother tongue listening compre...damn!!...
i don't understand a word in's my mt by the way....sum1 help me cope up with it...:(..aniwaiz....being at damn borin...haha..gotts go.. my mom's explodin her head off already..coz she thinks i'm usin the computer for too long..hahah...
i don't understand a word in's my mt by the way....sum1 help me cope up with it...:(..aniwaiz....being at damn borin...haha..gotts go.. my mom's explodin her head off already..coz she thinks i'm usin the computer for too long..hahah...
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