Tuesday, July 29, 2008

damned day..

i woke up early for nothin...hehe...axly to go to skul to meet rat...my buddie...she said she missed me n want to jam up the lost times we had last week...i was pretty exhausted last week as there was a concert held in VT...which the school organised for the indian and modern dancers with the pb ppl...last thursday..we bunked in VT as early as 8.45 am...damn exhausting!!..we helped in every ways we could...Mr. Yeo.. our cca instructor, was helping with the light design..damn was he good...the show wouldn't be gr8 without the lighting..!!hahaha^^..we went back home at pass 10.30 coz we still had 2 pack up somethins..dinner wasn't tat bad..not unlike durin luch break that we had to buy our own lunch...the 1st day of the show...which is the 2nd day bunkin in...the skul was onli allowed to watch it...the show was gr8...hehe^^..they loved it..^^..